Works & Text
キャンヴァスに油彩+アルミ親和性金箔 特寸 42.5×91.0㎝ ©Keisuke Tanaka、 Courtesy of +Y Gallery
2015年 キャンヴァスに油彩
F10 45.5×53.0㎝
©Keisuke Tanaka、 Courtesy of +Y Gallery
『The Vision from my Anterior
Commissure with 34 percent increase』
2016年 キャンヴァスに油彩
F30 91×72㎝
©Keisuke Tanaka、 Courtesy of +Y Gallery
この不可解さには必ず至福感が伴っていたが、私はこれを、端的に「美」であると言い切ってしまいたい。「美」は、永遠と不死へと到る、現象界に突出して来たStar Gateなのだ。外見的な整斉のみに終始する愚劣な日展的「綺麗さ」とは断じて無縁だ。「美」は、人間が獣性の暗黒へと転落することを阻止し、有限存在として必滅の宿命から逃れ得ない我々の、それ故に持つ尊厳を嘉し、自覚させる。斯かる自覚は、多動性に富んだメディア・アートの遊園地で幾ら動画を眺めようが、スマホの画像に淫しようが得られるものではない。絵画は、優れて瞑想的な芸術なのだ。
橋本 倫 記
The Fine Art and the“Art”
“Art is the system for representation between human beings and nature, civilization or society at large.”
-A certain famous Art (Festival) Director who consider the group work
“Fine Art is decidedly different from“Art”. Precisely, it (=Art) reduce critical elements in every respect in which concerning nature, civilization or public society to ashes, and it only yield to the demands of mathematical, metaphysical, or mystical beings, therefore it through substantial things (=works) and procure strange mode of expression for realizing “the mystery”of unification with “the beauty”as the supreme existence like mathematics, so human beings who coming into contact with it will ascend to Undying.
-The Painter who should work in his solitude
Every tawdry key-silly talks such as 「bonds」,「communication」,「interactive」,「daily like」,「participation」,「sympathy」have been habitually used by the Japanese “Artists”and there
“works”are greeting amid hearty cheers. Gratify their desire of dramatic and directly self-expression, community social-minded activities involved in the regional furtherance or welfare work or disaster prevention or preschool education and their hurried-dispatching activities like animated cartoon, are playing the coquette with this Era controlled by the smart-phones. These activities (=“works”) of Artists are in striking contrast with the perpetuity works of the Fine Artists. We must find out where the problem lies in this (social) phenomenon, and should make greater efforts to bring the ultimate cause of this phenomenon to light, not to look deep into the cause of the contrast above mentioned. Art (or Artist) is“always sleeping with their contemporary just as if prostitutes. ”For instance, they have been giving relief aid to the suffers from Big Earth Quake of East Japan with the shouting their mottoes of “KIZUNA(=bonds)”, or have been held Regional Art Festival such as “Setouchi Art Festival”, “Roppongi Art Night”or Art Project involved with local residents and children. These events or happenings are understood as 「THE ART」or 「THE FINE ART」 by the renounce of world and the invited guest artists like Mrs. Lennon as “the Artistic Shrine maiden”of the theatrical company on the road are recognized 「THE TYPICALLY ARTIST」. They are the artists of “International Art Show”and spends most of their time touring on the world. But their activities are always winning the highest praise from the renounce of world because of their activities as drollery standard-bearer who has been making an attempting on Fine Art’s life. Nevertheless, such like their activities (=“works”) are recognized as“the typically Fine Art”. This unendurable present situation as antinomy ceaselessly grates on my nerves. ・・・Their activities and their concern only concentrates in the Social-Network, so their “works” hopelessly want that which is most important in the Fine Art being ,id est. 「solid things with tactile value=substance=métiers de matiere=eternity=beauty=solitude」and in return for them, their interest filled with「unsettled events=phenomenon=happening=liquidity=contemporary opinion=transience=anti-beauty=social solidarity」.They never understand the incomparable value of the matier of the J.B.S. Chardin’s great masterpieces, just like they never feel keenly the tragedy caused by the latest earthquake. ―under mentioned omitted―
▶︎2016年 『80's展 享楽と根源』 会場:+Y Gallery
+Y Gallery
〒540-0012 大阪市中央区谷町1丁目3-27 大手前建設会館306
3-27, Tanimachi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka 540-0012, Japan
Otemae Kensetu Kaikan 306
Tel:06-4792-0011 e-mail: access schedule
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